This INI update is slightly different, mostly due to the controversy around the removal of the hard-coded Twilight Princess Hack from Dolphin. GameINIs are an integral feature for the basic users of Dolphin who do not want to mess with settings just to get a game playing properly.
However they serve an important purpose: they override troublesome settings. These are small, silent updates that don't really feature any core change to the emulator. Usually we don't feature GameINI updates in the Progress Report. Notable Changes ¶ 4.0-1767 - GameINI Updates by Linktothepast ¶ The June Progress Report is a massive monument to months of hard work put together by not one, but all of the people contributing to the project. When things come together just right, months like this can happen. This not only gets things done faster, but each coder can specialize in what they do best, producing the best possible product for the user base. One developer can focus on a feature while others are reviewing the code and preparing it for merge, allowing things to move forward in a very streamlined fashion. When an open source project is really working, things can move frighteningly fast.